Of course, I had *nothing* to do with it ... seriously. I just sat back and watched the carnage unfold. Poor Jason and Nathan were pretty much killed by shaving cream. Plans for future attacks are in the works.
Needless to say, it was an entertaining night last night.
And now, for something that amused me quite a bit: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20101221/od_nm/us_deathpenalty_odd
Yup, it is too expensive to keep killing people on death row. What amazed me the most about this article is not that there isn't enough of a drug to kill people, or that people are scared to execute criminals on death row for fear of being wrong, but that the 10 comments I read ALL offered reasonable, less expensive alternatives to killing said criminals! How effing cool is that?? Finally, something we can all agree on! Killing bad people is a good idea, and there are alternatives to the nice, friendly lethal injection!
Several comments offered money-raising options for the states, namely pay-per-view showings of the executions. Not sure if I, personally, would pay for it, but a nice public hanging of a child rapist or mass murderer, I'd be down for that. I say screw the ACLU. Screw no cruel and unusual punishment. Some people DESERVE cruel and unusual punishment. Anyone who does bad things to kids, for example. They SHOULD be tortured. They have EARNED the right to cruel and unusual punishment dreamed up by the parents of the kids they hurt.
Naturally, cruel and unusual punishment should be reserved for the truly heinous among us, but I think it should be an option for those truly depraved fucks. But maybe that's just me. I say kill everyone on death row. They made it there for a reason. And why do we need drugs? Has no one in the criminal justice system ever heard of an air embolism? It's amazing what a little air in a syringe can do. And the cool thing? You don't need a new needle for the next guy. Dead people shouldn't care about cross-contamination. And if the first air embolus doesn't do it, there more air. SO it may cause a little pain. I'm alright with that.
I am looking forward to nursing school ... did I tell you that yet? :)
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