Monday, November 1, 2010

So, why Afghanistan?

So after I left Kwajalein, I got a job as a 'Training and Education Specialist' with the Florida Division of Emergency Management. My informal title was 'State Training Coordinator'. I got an office, and business cards, and it was cool. Long story short, the state doesn't pay worth a crap and I was only able to keep the job as long as I did because of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, because we were getting paid OT. There was also some political BS within the Division that I couldn't stomach, so I started looking elsewhere.

I had been looking at various contractor sites and ran across the posting for a 'FACC Specialist' with DynCorp, International in Afghanistan. (An FACC Specialist is a fire department dispatcher.) I had had a particularly frustrating day at work, so I applied for it.

43 hours later, they called and offered me a job. That made me feel kind of good. Of course, the night before, and earlier the morning they offered me the job, I had said, in a fit of frustration, "I swear, I am taking the next job I get offered". Did you know I ended up on Kwaj because of a dare? So, yeah, I have a history of doing stuff like this.

So ... here I am, packing to head to Kandahar, Afghanistan. I leave for in-processing in Ft. Worth, Texas on Sunday, November 7th. Wanna hear more about the DynCorp recruiting process? That'll be a later post.

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