Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A great webcomic ...

Check out www.questionablecontent.net. It's a great webcomic!

I recommend reading from strip #1, but that may be a bit time consuming, as the strip started in 2003!

An effort shall be made ...

So back in 2004, when I came to Kwajalein on a one-year contract, I created a website. It hasn't been updated since 2006. Yeah, I'm a slacker. Then I created a blogspot blog. This is the first post since Auguest last year. I will freely admit, I am crap at keeping these things updated. I suppose it's because I get bored easily, or am distracted easily, or I forget about them, or I just procrastinate so freaking long that I just don't bother with it. I'm going to try and change that. In fact, I'm going to try and do weekly vacation updates (complete with pictures!) while I'm out and about! Maybe even more frequent than that ... we'll be doing loads of cool things!

Hmmm ... what's going on in the world. North Korea is acting like it really wants to go to war, Bad People are trying to take over Pakistan, which is a VERY bad thing (they have nuclear weapons), Obama seems to be leaning toward the two-state solution for Israel, the Middle East doesn't really seem to be getting any closer to "peace", and I go on vacation in 9 days!

Vacation plans currently look a little like this:
June 19: off to Honolulu, then off to Vegas
June 20: arrive in Vegas, go buy a pool for Zoey
June 23: drive to San Diego, check into hotel in Old Town, go eat AWESOME Mexican food
June 24: Either the San Diego Zoo or Sea World
June 25: whichever one we didn't do yesterday
June 26: drive to Paso Robles to visit my old boss, stopping in LA (maybe) to visit my sister's boyfriend
June 27: drive back to Pahrump
June 28: go and see Lion King at Mandalay Bay with mom and Zoey
June 30: just after midnight, get on first of 3 planes for the day, heading ultimately to Tallahasee, by way of Houston and Tampa (Just me and Zoey! My sister catches up with us later in the trip)
July 2: secret surprise activity
July 3: drive over to Panama City to see Sarah, Waylon and Mom Guillot
July 4: watch fireworks on the boat (Zoey will have multiple layers of flotational protection)
July 5: not sure yet ...
July 6: back to Tallahassee
July 10: down to Orlando
July 11: pick up sister at airport!
July 10-15: Walt Disney World, maybe Sea World (again), visiting Friends, a water park of some kind, hanging with some of the coolest people on the planet!
July 15: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince opens in theatres!!
July 16: leave Orlando ... I'm off to Honolulu, Stacy and Zoey are off to home!
July 17: consult with surgeon about progress of ulna healing
July 18-19: free weekend in Honolulu ... what to do ...
July 20: back to Kwaj

Holy crap, this is going to be a fun, expensive vacation!

Anywho, hope you enjoy my babbling ... more later. :)